Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2022

8 Class Code of Feed Ingredients for ruminants

 8 Class Code

of Feed Ingredients for ruminants

1. Dried forage and straw , this class includes all forage hay and other products containing >18% crude fiber and >35% cell wall in dry matter. Example: grass hay, corn forage hay.
2. Fresh forage, this class includes all forage that is given to livestock in a fresh state, for example: fresh grass, fresh forage.
3. Silage, which includes various forages that have been cut and subjected to controlled fermentation, excluding fish silage, rice grains, tuber silage and legume grain silage, for example: grass silage, hay silage.
4. Energy sources, are feed ingredients containing <18% crude fiber, <35% cell wall, and <20% crude protein in a dry state, for example: various grains of rice compatriots, various bran, various tubers.
5. Protein sources, including all feed ingredients containing <18% crude fiber, <35% cell wall, and >20% crude protein in dry matter, for example: legume seeds, meal, feed ingredients of animal and fish origin.
6. Mineral sources, including all feed ingredients that are high in mineral content, for example: wheat flour, limestone flour, and table salt.
7. Sources of vitamins, including all feed ingredients that are high in vitamin content, for example: fish oil, vitamin B tablets.
8. Feed additives are various feed ingredients that do not function as a source of nutrients, their use is by adding them to feed in small amounts for a specific purpose, their functions are to stimulate growth, stimulate production, give color and so on, for example: anti-biotics, dyes , and drugs

example :

Feed ingredients


Latin name


Class code


Nutritional content


Anti-nutritional substances


Usage limit


elephant grass


Pennisetum purpureum


BK 21,0% , SK 33.5%, PK 8,3%



king grass


Pennisetum purpuroides (king grass)


BK 21,21%, SK 25,48, PK 11,68%,





Indigofera sp.


Bk (%) 18,06-21,97  Pk (%) 9,32-24,17  Sk (%) - 17,83



Rice straw


Oryza sativa


Bk (%) 88,30 Pk (%) 4,64 Sk (%) 33,79



Cassava leaves


Manihot utilisima


daun  = BK 95%, PK 12%, SK 38%,

batang = BK 95%, PK 6%, SK 37%,



Jackfruit Leaves


Artocarpus integra


PK 12-13 %, LK 3,6%, SK 23,5%,



Setaria Ancep


Settaria splendida





Setaria Lampung


Settaria sphacelata

protein kasar 6-7 %, serat kasar 42,0 %, Bahan Ekstrak Tanpa Nitrogen (BETN) 36,1% dan lemak 2,8%





Calliandra calothyrsu

Protein kasar 22,4%



lamtoro leaves


Leucaena glauca


protein kasar 27,80%,  BETN 55,10%, serat kasar 10,40%


<40% dalam ransum


Pennisetum purpureum cv. Mott



Protein kasar : 13,8 %, Serat kasar : 26,33 %




22 agustus 2022

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